Welcome to John Crygier's Site!

Hi, and welcome to John Crygier’s Site / Blog! I plan on this being a place to post about my random thoughts, as well as some side-projects I may have going on.

Also, please feel free to stop by the “About” page to view my resume, including prior professional experiences.

I decided to start this home as a place to have my resume live, and to talk about some of my personal experiences. This site is hosted on GitHub pages, using Jekyll. However, I decided to ‘compile’ the pages locally on my machine, as the resume is data-driven, utilizing the JSON Resume schema. There is a lot of extra personal stuff in there that I don’t feel like sharing. Also, the resume portion depends on some extra ruby code to generate the date difference (how long I was in a particular position). It’s my understanding that GitHub does not allow custom Jekyll plugins.

I’m not keen on exposing my personal email just yet, so hopefully I’ll have a method to contact me from here in the near future.

Hope you enjoy!